
Faux Leather vs Real Leather: Which One Is Right Choice?


Faux Leather vs Real Leather: Which One Is the Right Choice for Your Style and Budget?

Leather jackets are a timeless fashion staple that can elevate any outfit. However, with the wide variety of materials available, it can be confusing to know which type of leather is right for you. In this blog, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about faux Leather vs real Leather so that you can make an informed decision when shopping for a leather jacket. It’s important to choose the right material for your style and budget, and we’ll help you do just that.

Why Knowing the Difference Matters:

Choosing the right leather jacket is more than just a fashion statement – it’s also about quality and durability. Knowing the difference between faux and real leather can help you make an informed decision that not only looks good but lasts longer. Moreover, it’s also essential to be aware of the impact of your purchase on the environment and animal welfare. With this knowledge, you can make a conscious choice that aligns with your values and style.

What is Real Leather?

Real leather, also known as genuine leather, is a material made from the hides or skins of animals such as cows, sheep, and goats. It is created by tanning the animal hides using various chemicals and processes to make them durable, flexible, and resistant to water and other elements.

In terms of its characteristics, real leather is a porous material that is naturally breathable, making it a comfortable material for clothing and footwear. It also has a unique texture and appearance due to the natural grain patterns and markings on the animal hide.

Real leather is also flexible, which makes it an excellent material for items that need to be pliable, such as gloves or jackets. Additionally, it is resistant to heat and fire, which makes it a suitable material for protective clothing and accessories.

It is important to note that real leather requires proper care and maintenance to ensure its longevity. Exposure to water, heat, and sunlight can damage and dry out the material, causing it to crack or fade. Therefore, it is recommended to clean and condition leather regularly to keep it looking its best.

Types Of Real Leather

There are several types of real leather, each with unique characteristics:

Full-Grain Leather:

Full-grain leather is a top-quality and incredibly durable leather that manufacturers create by using the animal’s top layer of hide. They leave the natural markings and grain intact without any sanding, buffing, or correction to remove any imperfections. As a result, Full-grain leather is known for its natural texture and markings, which develop a beautiful and unique patina over time.

Top-Grain Leather

Top-grain leather is similar to full-grain leather, but it undergoes additional processing of sanding or buffing to remove any imperfections or blemishes on the surface. The top layer of the hide is sanded or buffed to create a smooth and consistent surface, which makes it more uniform in appearance than full-grain leather. While it is not as durable as full-grain leather, top-grain leather is still a high-quality material that is used in many leather products.

Corrected-Grain Leather

This type of leather is made from the lower layers of the hide and undergoes a process of sanding and buffing to remove any imperfections, followed by an embossing process to create a uniform texture. Corrected-grain leather is less expensive than full-grain and top-grain leather, but it is still durable and suitable for many applications.

Split leather

Split leather is a type of leather that is made from the bottom layer of an animal hide after the top grain layer has been removed. The process of creating split leather involves splitting the hide with a machine or by hand, resulting in two layers: the top grain layer and the bottom split layer.

The bottom split layer is typically thicker and less durable than the top grain layer, but it is also more flexible and easier to work with.

While split leather is generally less expensive than full-grain leather, it is also less durable and may not hold up as well over time. However, with proper care and maintenance, split leather can be a great choice for a variety of applications and is a popular choice among manufacturers and consumers alike.

Pros of Real Leather


One of the primary advantages of real leather is its durability. Unlike synthetic materials, which can wear out quickly, real leather is a long-lasting material that can withstand wear and tear. Leather is also resistant to punctures, tears, and scratches, making it an ideal choice for jackets and other items that are frequently exposed to rough conditions. With proper care and maintenance, leather products can last for many years, making them a worthwhile investment.


Real leather has a unique texture that is difficult to replicate with synthetic materials. The texture of leather is soft and supple, yet it is also strong and resilient. The natural grain of leather adds character to jackets and other products, giving them a timeless and classic appearance. Leather also has a natural sheen that makes it look luxurious and expensive, which is why it is a popular choice for high-end fashion products.

Natural Appearance

Another advantage of real leather is its natural appearance. Unlike synthetic materials, which can look fake and plasticky, real leather has a natural look that is difficult to replicate. Leather has variations in texture and color, giving each product a unique and individual appearance. Over time, leather products develop a patina, which is a natural sheen that develops as the leather ages. This gives leather products a vintage and classic look that cannot be achieved with synthetic materials.


Real leather is a comfortable material to wear, particularly when it comes to jackets and other clothing items. Leather jackets are warm in the winter and cool in the summer, making them a versatile choice for any season.


Real leather is a breathable material, which means that it allows air to circulate through the fabric. This property makes it an excellent choice for jackets that are worn in warmer climates. It also helps to regulate body temperature, preventing the wearer from becoming too hot or cold.

Investment Value

Real leather products hold their value over time, making them a worthwhile investment. This is particularly true when it comes to leather jackets. A high-quality real leather jacket can be expensive upfront, but it will last for many years and retain its value. In addition, a real leather jacket is a versatile piece that can be worn with many different outfits, making it a great value for the price.

Cons of Real Leather

High price

Firstly, the high price of real leather can be a significant disadvantage for many consumers. The production process for leather involves extensive tanning, dyeing, and finishing, which requires specialized equipment, skilled labor, and time. Additionally, the high demand for leather products can also contribute to its steep pricing. This high cost can make it difficult for many consumers to justify the purchase of real leather products, particularly when more affordable alternatives are available.

Animal welfare concerns

Another major concern with using real leather is the issue of animal welfare. The production of leather requires animal hides, which raises ethical concerns about animal rights. The animals are often raised and slaughtered solely for their skin, and in some cases, they are subjected to inhumane treatment and cruel slaughter methods. This aspect of leather production is a significant concern for many consumers who are concerned about animal welfare.

Environmental Impact

Additionally, the leather industry has a significant impact on the environment. The production process involves the use of harmful chemicals, such as chromium, and large amounts of water, leading to pollution of water sources and soil. Additionally, the livestock industry is responsible for significant greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change. This impact on the environment is a significant concern for many consumers who are seeking more sustainable and ethical alternatives.


Furthermore, real leather is a high-maintenance material that requires a lot of care and attention to keep it in good condition. It is prone to scratches, stains, and water damage, requiring regular cleaning and conditioning to keep it looking good. Failure to maintain the leather can result in it drying out and cracking, reducing its lifespan. This high-maintenance requirement can be time-consuming and costly, which can be a significant disadvantage for many consumers.


Finally, real leather products can be quite heavy, which can be uncomfortable to wear or carry for extended periods. This weight is a significant disadvantage for items such as shoes or bags, which need to be carried around regularly. This weight can cause discomfort and fatigue, which can be a significant disadvantage for those who require more lightweight options.

Love Your Leather: Tips for Caring for Real Leather

To keep your real leather jacket looking its best, follow these tips:

  1. Clean it regularly with a leather cleaner and conditioner.
  2. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight or heat sources.
  3. Store it in a cool, dry place when not in use.
  4. Avoid getting it wet, and if it does get wet, let it dry naturally.
  5. >Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials on the leather.

What is Faux Leather?

Faux leather, also known as synthetic or vegan leather, is a man-made material that is designed to look and feel like real leather. It is typically made from a base fabric, such as polyester, and coated with a layer of polyurethane (PU) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to give it a leather-like texture and appearance. Faux leather can also be made from recycled plastic or other materials, making it a more Eco-friendly alternative to real leather.

Faux leather is an affordable alternative to real leather and has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its versatility and accessibility. It is available in a wide range of colors and textures, making it easy to find a style that suits your preferences.

Pros of Faux Leather:


One of the biggest advantages of faux leather is its affordability. It is generally less expensive than real leather, making it more accessible to consumers on a budget. This is because faux leather is made from materials such as PVC or polyurethane, which are cheaper to produce than animal hides. Faux leather is an excellent option for individuals who want the look and feel of leather without the high cost.


Another pro of faux leather is its sustainability. Unlike real leather, which requires the use of animal hides, faux leather is a completely synthetic product. This means that it does not contribute to the negative environmental impacts associated with the leather industry, such as deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, many manufacturers use recycled materials in the production of faux leather, making it an Eco-friendly option.


Faux leather is also very versatile, as it can be made in a variety of colors and textures to suit different needs and preferences, making it a versatile option for designers and consumers. It can be embossed to resemble the natural grain of leather, or even printed with patterns or designs to create a unique look.

Animal Welfare

Faux leather is also a great option for animal lovers, as it does not require the use of animal hides.This means that no animals are harmed in the production of the material, making it a cruelty-free alternative to real leather. By choosing faux leather, you can avoid supporting animal cruelty and contribute to a more ethical and sustainable fashion industry.

Easy Maintenance

Unlike Real Leather which requires more maintenance, including regular conditioning to prevent cracking and drying. Faux leather is easier to maintain and clean than real leather, as it is resistant to stains and water damage. It does not require the same level of conditioning and care as real leather and can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth.

Water Resistance

Faux leather is more resistant to water than real leather. Real leather can be damaged by water and requires special treatment to protect it from water damage. Faux leather, on the other hand, is naturally water-resistant and can withstand exposure to moisture. This makes it a practical choice for items that are exposed to moisture.


Finally, faux leather is widely available, as it is produced in large quantities by manufacturers around the world. This makes it easy to find and purchase, whether you are looking for fashion accessories, furniture, or upholstery.

Cons of Faux Leather:

While there are many pros of faux leather, there are also some cons that are important to consider:

Less Durable

While faux leather can be a cost-effective alternative to genuine leather, it is generally less durable. Over time, it can crack, peel, or wear down, especially if it is exposed to harsh conditions or frequent use. This can make it a poor choice for high-end items that require durability, such as leather jackets or handbags. If you’re looking for something that will last for years to come, genuine leather may be a better option.

Heat Retention

Faux leather has a tendency to retain heat, which can make it uncomfortable to wear or sit on in warm weather or hot environments. This can cause sweating and discomfort, making it less practical for outdoor activities or summertime use.


Faux leather is also non-breathable, which means it does not allow air to circulate through it. This can lead to sweating and discomfort, especially in warm or humid environments. If you’re looking for something that is more breathable, genuine leather may be a better option.

Less Natural Appearance

While faux leather is designed to look and feel like genuine leather, it can still have a less natural appearance. Some people may be able to tell the difference between faux and genuine leather by the texture or shine of the material. If you’re looking for something that has a more natural appearance, genuine leather may be the way to go.

Environmental Impact

While faux leather is a more sustainable alternative to genuine leather, it still has an environmental impact. The production of synthetic materials requires energy and resources, and the disposal of these materials can also contribute to pollution and waste. If you’re looking for something that is eco-friendly, there are other options to consider, such as recycled materials or natural fibers.

Quality Varies

The quality of faux leather can vary greatly, depending on the manufacturer and materials used. Lower-quality faux leather may be more prone to peeling, cracking, or wearing down over time. If you’re considering purchasing faux leather, it’s important to do your research and choose a high-quality product to ensure it lasts as long as possible.


Some people may find that faux leather has an unpleasant odor, especially when it is new. This can be a turn-off for those who are sensitive to smells. If you’re concerned about the smell of faux leather, it may be best to opt for genuine leather or another material that does not have a strong odor.


Faux leather can also be stiff and less pliable than genuine leather, which can make it less comfortable to wear or sit on. If you’re looking for something that is more comfortable and flexible, genuine leather may be the better choice.

Limited Lifespan

Finally, faux leather has a limited lifespan compared to genuine leather. While genuine leather can last for decades or even a lifetime with proper care, faux leather may only last a few years before it begins to show signs of wear and tear. This can make it a poor investment for items that require durability and longevity. If you’re looking for something that will last for years to come, genuine leather may be the better option.

Difference Between Faux Leather vs Real Leather

Let’s dive into the differences between the two.


One of the main differences between real and faux leather is the cost. Real leather is generally more expensive than faux leather because it is made from animal hide, which requires a more complex and time-consuming process. On the other hand, faux leather is made from synthetic materials, which is less costly to produce.

Material Composition:

The material composition is another key difference. Real leather is made from animal hides, such as cows, sheep, and goats. The hides are tanned and treated to make them durable and flexible. In contrast, faux leather, also known as synthetic leather or vegan leather, is made from a combination of plastic and other synthetic materials.


Durability is a significant difference between real and faux leather. Real leather is known for its durability and can last for years with proper care. It can also develop a patina over time, which adds to its character. Faux leather, however, is not as durable as real leather and can easily crack or peel over time.


The appearance of real and faux leather also differs. Real leather has a natural texture and grain that gives it a unique look, whereas faux leather can mimic the appearance of real leather but lacks the natural texture and character that real leather has.


The smell is another difference between the two materials.  Real leather has a distinct smell that many people find appealing. This smell is due to the tanning process and the natural oils in the animal hide. While faux leather does not have a natural smell and may even have a chemical odor due to the synthetic materials used in its production.


Care is essential to maintain the appearance and durability of both real and faux leather. Cleaning and conditioning real leather regularly can prevent it from drying out and cracking, while cleaning faux leather with a damp cloth may not be enough, and it may require replacement sooner due to its lower durability.


Aesthetic preferences vary from person to person. Real leather is often associated with luxury and quality due to its timeless and classic look, while faux leather can also mimic the appearance of real leather and look stylish.

Environmental Impact

Finally, the environmental impact is a significant difference between real and faux leather. Real leather has a significant environmental impact due to the resources and chemicals used in its production, as well as the negative effects of the animal farming industry on the environment. Faux leather, while not entirely environmentally friendly, is made from synthetic materials and can have a lower environmental impact than real leather.

Faux Leather vs Real Leather: Choosing the Right Material for Different Occasions and Uses

When it comes to occasions and uses, real and faux leather jackets can serve different purposes. Here are some examples of situations where one material might be better suited than the other:

Formal vs. Casual Wear

If you’re looking for a jacket to wear to a formal event, a real leather jacket is the way to go. Real leather jackets have a natural shine and texture that exudes luxury and sophistication. They’re also more durable than faux leather, which means they can withstand the test of time and wear. Faux leather jackets, on the other hand, are better suited for casual occasions. They’re less expensive and have a more matte finish, making them perfect for everyday wear.

Everyday vs. Occasional Use:

If you’re planning to wear your leather jacket every day, faux leather might be the better choice. Faux leather is more lightweight than real leather, which can make it more comfortable to wear for long periods. Real leather, on the other hand, can be heavy, making it better suited for occasional use.

Climate and Weather Conditions:

The climate and weather conditions in your area can also play a role in which material you choose. If you live in a hot and humid climate, a faux leather jacket might be more comfortable to wear than a real leather jacket, which can become sticky and uncomfortable in the heat. On the other hand, if you live in a colder climate, a real leather jacket can provide more warmth and protection from the elements.

Sports and Outdoor Activities:

If you plan to wear your leather jacket for sports or outdoor activities, faux leather might be a better choice. Faux leather is more flexible and lightweight, making it easier to move around in. Real leather, on the other hand, can be heavy and restrictive, which can hinder your movements. Additionally, faux leather is more resistant to moisture and sweat, which can make it more suitable for outdoor activities.

Price and Budget:

Finally, your budget can also play a role in which material you choose. Real leather jackets are typically more expensive than faux leather jackets, so if you’re on a tight budget, faux leather might be the better choice. However, if you’re willing to invest in a high-quality jacket that will last for years, a real leather jacket might be a better investment in the long run.

How to Identify Faux Leather vs Real Leather

We’ll discuss how to identify real and faux leather by examining their appearance, texture, and smell, and through a water test.

   Differences in appearance and texture

One of the easiest ways to identify real leather is to examine its appearance and texture. Genuine leather has a unique texture that is not replicated by synthetic materials. The surface of real leather has pores and natural markings, which give it an uneven texture. These markings may include wrinkles, scars, and grain patterns. On the other hand, faux leather has a consistent and uniform surface. It lacks the natural variations found in real leather, which makes it look less authentic.

Another way to distinguish real and faux leather is by observing their color. Real leather typically has a natural and subtle variation in color due to the tanning process, which gives it a unique character. Faux leather, on the other hand, has a uniform color that looks artificial.

 Smell and feel of real and faux leather

The smell and feel of leather are also good indicators of its authenticity. Real leather has a distinct, rich aroma that is often described as earthy or musky. This is due to the natural oils present in the leather. Faux leather, on the other hand, is made from synthetic materials and may have a chemical or plastic-like smell.

When you touch real leather, it feels soft and supple. This is because leather is a natural material that becomes more flexible with use. Faux leather, on the other hand, may feel stiff or slippery. It lacks the natural give of real leather, which can make it less comfortable to wear.

    Water Test

The water test is a simple and effective way to distinguish between real and faux leather. Real leather is porous and will absorb water, while faux leather is not. To perform the water test, place a small drop of water on the surface of the leather and observe it for a few minutes. In the case where water droplets are absorbed and leave a darker spot, it is an indication of real leather. Conversely, if water droplets remain on the surface without absorption, it is likely that the material is faux leather.

Fire test

You can use a small flame to test the material of your leather. Take a small piece of the leather you want to test and hold it with a pair of pliers. Hold a lighter or match to the corner of the leather and observe how it reacts. Real leather will only burn slightly and will smell like burning hair or feathers. Faux leather, on the other hand, will burn quickly and will release a plastic-like smell.

Scratch test

A scratch test can also help you determine whether your leather is real or fake. Take a small area of the leather and scratch it with your fingernail or a sharp object. Real leather will show scratches and indentations, but they will not be too deep. Faux leather, on the other hand, will show deep scratches and may even peel or flake off.

Texture test

Another way to determine whether your leather is real or fake is to examine the texture under a magnifying glass. Real leather has a natural and irregular texture that is difficult to replicate in synthetic materials. Faux leather will often have a repeating pattern that is identical across the surface.

Sustainability Comparison Between Faux Leather vs Real Leather

Carbon Footprint

One of the main concerns with real leather is its carbon footprint. The production of leather involves raising livestock, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the tanning process uses chemicals and water, which can also have a negative impact on the environment. On the other hand, faux leather is typically made from plastic, which is derived from fossil fuels and has a high carbon footprint. However, some companies are now producing faux leather from more sustainable materials, such as recycled plastic.

Water Usage

When it comes to water usage, real leather requires a significant amount of water to produce. The livestock industry contributes significantly to water pollution, and tanneries use large amounts of water during the tanning process, which can become contaminated with toxic chemicals.

Faux leather, on the other hand, requires less water to produce, but the manufacturing process can still be water-intensive. Some companies are now developing more sustainable processes for manufacturing faux leather, such as using closed-loop systems to recycle water.

Toxic Chemicals

In terms of toxic chemicals, real leather can be particularly harmful. The tanning process uses chemicals such as chromium, which can be toxic to workers and the environment. Faux leather is also made using chemicals, but some companies are now using more Eco-friendly alternatives.

Let’s Conclude

In conclusion, the debate between faux leather vs real leather is not a simple one. Both have their advantages and disadvantages and it ultimately comes down to personal style and budget. Faux leather is a more affordable and eco-friendly option, while real leather offers unmatched durability and a luxurious feel. Whatever your choice may be, it is important to make an informed decision based on your values and needs. We hope this post has provided you with the necessary information to make a confident choice. We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences with Faux Leather vs Real Leather in the comments section below. Thank you for reading and if you’ve made a decision, check out our website for high-quality leather products.  Shop now and elevate your style! Happy Shopping!